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Our Vision Statement

Greater Hope Christian Church is a place to WORSHIP God, to GROW in faith, and to SERVE others so that all God’s children live out their faith in Christian action.

Our Mission:

To follow Christ’s commands to love God and love others   (Mt 22:37-40)

Trust in the Lord, and do good.  (Psalm 37:3)

To make and send disciples into to the world so everyone can know God’s love through Christ

 (1John 3:18)

Who We Are: Inner_about


Who We Are: FAQ


The gospel is at the center of God’s ultimate plan of redemption, and in it we see Him most clearly for Who He is and what He has done. This is the good news that we and the rest of the world needs to hear.


Living faith means connecting faith to everyday life. We want the gospel to be apparent in how we live our lives for God in our families, friendships, places of work, and communities.


Being missional means that we don’t focus on just ourselves, but on the mission God has given us to be his ambassadors to the world to share the gospel so that they may know and follow Him.


We value developing relationships in the church and out of the church. Being relational means taking the time to invest, care, and share in the life of others so that Christ is seen, felt, and heard.


We want to go with a mindset towards multiplying. Multiplying disciples and multiplying small groups to increase our impact for God’s Kingdom.

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